This is a rather overdue post as it's been 2 weeks since I came back! Initially the heat was honestly unbearable and I just found myself being so frustrated all the time as I was so sticky and sweaty just minutes after showering! But it's much better now because 1) I spend most of my time indoors 2) I may have gotten used to it?? Well slightly at least
I arrived at Changi Airport at 11am in the morning on the 5th of July and got picked up by Justina and Daddy!!! I really couldn't believe that I was finally back and I was just staring out the window the whole ride back home and just taking it all in :) And I also then appreciated how green Singapore was
First friend I met on the day I arrived!!! Bincs was in Bishan and she texted me if I was home and 3 hours and a nap later, there she was in my home !!! :) Love impromptu meet ups like these and especially cos I did not expect to meet friends so quickly just after I arrived ! Thank you Bincs xx
Went to Grain Traders for lunch with Justina the following day! I loved it there but the only thing I did not enjoy was the price - each bowl is $16 :( I'd recommend it but definitely not often!!
That night, my cousins and relatives all came over for dinner! Mum and Ruby cooked up amazing food as usual but the best was that we had durian for dessert which my Uncle had bought!!! I haven't had durian in forever and they were deeeeliciousss!!! I love my family so much and am really so grateful that I'm close to my cousins :') can't wait for the day we all go on holiday together w/o the parents!!
Invited Nat to the TTP gala dinner (which was the theatre company that I worked with after As) and was so nice to see her again and just chat about what's been going on the past year!
Its amazing how just after a day or two back home I feel so at home, like I've never left (ok well excluding the fact that I don't feel like I have much space at home for my things bcos the sister has taken over my space and sometimes I don't know where things are cos they've moved in the past 9 months that I was away - but it's all good in the hood). It's really true that it takes one to leave home for a long period of time to truly appreciate the one place we call home because I really can't see myself living elsewhere but Singapore in the future!!
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