Sunday, May 7, 2017

~ The most chilled exam period. Period ~

It's the most strange feeling ever to not feel stressed out during an exam period - and that's exactly how I'm feeling right now. By no way am I complaining about not feeling stressed (why would anyone??), but I'm just so not used to the feeling and I have to question myself multiple times throughout the day whether I'm feeling relaxed because I am actually prepared for my exams and have left enough time throughout this study period to study sufficiently for my exams or whether I am just procrastinating but actually having quite a lot of work left to be done. Funnily enough, the former is my reality. This is by far the most chilled/relaxed/not stressed out I've been ever in my entire education life and I'm kinda loving it?? Of course I have to attribute some of this to the fact that I have had only 2 modules this semester and therefore just 2 exams to study for but I also quite like to pride myself on the fact that I prepared all my notes rather early and have been productive in the time that I have set aside for studying. I have watched more movies during this exam period than I have when not having exams (Topo and I have watched The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings trilogy in the past week hehehe) and I feel completely relaxed and not guilty about it because I feel kinda prepared for exams. Just thought I document this unusual feeling as I am sitting on my bed with an intense ray of sunlight warming up my left profile :) The weather in Edinburgh has been amazing and I actually feel hot in my room. H O T. This is unheard of. 

I have done almost no studying today because I just can't bring myself to and also because I have no sense of urgency (that is one downfall to this feeling of being 'prepared??' because I feel like I have so much time such that there's nothing urgent to motivate me to study). But oh wells, maybe I'll just take today as a rest day and start being productive again tomorrow. It's 3 more days to my first paper and it's in my favourite exam location - Playfairs Library! I'm hoping to get a nice shot of it before everyone settles down at their seats. I'm gonna go heat up dinner I made last night - a lentil coconut curry with brown rice and quinoa and vegan thai fish cakes (that taste exactly like real fish cakes - I promise!!)

(my study space)

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